What is a PAMM Account

Pamm accounts bring investors & traders together, helping them earn from trading under a single account.


How does it work?

Investors contribute with their desired amount of money. Then, an expert trader (money manager) takes charge of distributing these funds in the markets.


PAMM accounts benefits

PAMM benefitsPAMM benefits

For investors

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An Expert Touch

Pick your expert traders & let them plan, execute & monitor performance.

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Maximum Control

Add, transfer, and withdraw your funds whenever you want.

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No Hidden Fees

Pay pre-agreed performance fees when your Money Manager makes a profit. *

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Diversify your investments

Invest as much as you're comfortable with & diversify your funds with multiple managers.

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Total Transparency

As a regulated broker, we are required to disclose everything.

*Other fees may apply. Please consult Terms & Conditions.

PAMM benefitsPAMM benefits

For managers

Maximum Control

Take charge of your investments and optimize your strategies with ease.

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Complete Visibility

Automatic database management with real-time visibility of individual investor's performance.

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Ultimate Security

All your trades are securely protected from being copied.

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Everything from a single place

Manage several accounts from a single place at no additional cost.

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High Earning Potential

You can also create a personalized PAMM portfolio to attract even more investors.

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*Other fees may apply. Please consult Terms & Conditions.

PAMM accounts give you full control of your money

Safety of Funds No one but you has access to your personal details and money.

Real-time Reporting Monitor the performance of your investments in real-time.

Fast Withdrawals Withdraw your funds any time you like.